YouTube has come along way over the years. The ability to host live video sessions and record them started with Hangouts on Air and has now shifted to YouTube Live Streaming. Currently the easiest way to get to YouTube Live Streaming is from your Creator Studio on Once on YouTube, in the upper right hand will be your profile. Click on the profile image and then Creator Studio. 

Once at the Creator Studio the menu on the left hand-side will have a link to Live Streaming. Clicking on Live Streaming will show the options to stream now, schedule events, and a new option for camera set up. On the live stream now page, there is a handy checklist of items to set up before being able to start a live stream. The first step is to set up the encoding software for your device. Once set up it is possible to start a live stream right away or schedule an upcoming event. Here are the YouTube live stream tips for getting started.  Live streams are a great way to connect to speakers, other classrooms or as another way to share what’s happening in your classroom with a global audience. 


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