The Street View app is packed with opportunities to create your own treks. At it’s simplest level, a student can open up the street view app and use the camera icon to create a 360º image by connecting the dots and the app stitches them together into one image.

Taking this a few steps further, it is possible to connect a 360º camera (such as the Ricoh Theta S) to the Street View app and shoot 360º images and in intervals. (For a complete set of 360º recommended cameras, head to to this link). The idea behind interval mode is that the camera will shoot images every X number of seconds, while one walks with the theta and the app. Once finished it is possible to connect the images together to create multi image Street View. A fellow colleague and friend Donnie Piercey did this with his students to update the Street View around their town. Take a peek. For support with publishing and connecting images, head to the support page.

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